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Coloursock Internal: Team Cinemagraphs

team headshots



Creative: Coloursock
Production: Coloursock
Director: Hieu Nguyen
Crew: Charbel Azar, Luis Pimenta, Zoi Saad, Alanna Walsh, Stephanie Delhey, Rosanna Mach, Benji Bock

If there is one thing all our clients knows about us, its that we don’t believe in shit head shots. That’s why, when it came time to execute our own, we needed to level up, step up and get our funky on. Led by our epic, handsome and wonderful content animator and colourist Hieu-dawg, we, as a team went about crafting the personalities of Coloursock into life-like images. After hours of escapes to our down town studio, dawns at Sydney’s southern beaches and a few retakes. Some serious magic and a life long skill for the craft of cinemagraphs was born.